To the traveller – “fast and direct”
- Fastest access from London to boarding gate (comparative proximity)
- Low cost of travel, due to unconstrained capacity
- 21st century travel experience with “check-In-train” service
- 24h intercontinental access
- Widest and deepest network of destinations
- Interconnected and direct rail system
To the airlines – “best for interlining”
- No constraints on slots
- Dedicated and scalable terminals for airline alliances
- Fast turnaround times
- Resilience
- 24h operation
To the staff
- Rail based commute
- Broad catchment area
- State of the art work place
To regional UK airports
- Direct connection to Stansted, Gatwick, Birmingham and other airports via direct rail
- Transparent two tier aviation system, with national hub champion and liberalised regional airports
- Deregulated market – no or level landing charges, fifth freedom rights, Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 January 1993
- Generally improved rail surface access connections – via better network and franchises
To the UK – “intermodal gateway to the World”
- Future proof, with 3 times the capacity of Heathrow,
- Policy clarity and scalability
- Greater flexibility to sign Air Service Agreements with foreign states
To the environment – “rail is our fourth runway”
- Net reduction in flights (up to -20%) – pooling flights and interconnecting with rail
- Net reduction in car journeys (up to -60%) – widest direct commuter rail network
- Green architecture and operations
- Air pollution not to impact local community due to island location
- Phased development impacts
To the local community – “green and interconnected”
- Reduced local development due to remote operations via rail connectivity – spreading development over wider south east and not around the perimeter as far as possible
- No homes lost
- Wide ranging employment opportunities
To the taxpayer – “private sector funded airport”
- Cost neutral for the airport development (subject to moving Heathrow hub operation)
- Wider rail improvements, part of incremental upgrade and maintenance of existing rail network
- Lower Thames crossing part of Dartford crossing improvement programme
- Flood defence (tidal power) via TE2100 programme and power generation